2022 Annual Meeting & Call for Members

Save the date for the 2022 WGHA Annual Meeting
Wednesday, January 26th, at 7:00 p.m.

This year, our Annual Meeting will be held via Zoom to ensure that all neighbors are able to participate while staying safe. More specific meeting details will be distributed in January including the registration link, the preview of the 2022 budget, and the candidates running for election.

Call for Members to Stand for Election
One of the key functions of our Annual Meeting is to elect new members to the WGHA Board. This year, 5 positions will be up for election. Any and all neighbors are welcome to run, but we are especially in need of individuals with an interest in the Greenways, Architectural Control, Treasurer, Secretary and Events roles. As we all continue to adjust to all-digital Board meetings, digital-savvy individuals would be a great help!

For neighbors interested in running for the Board, please notify the Board via email or mail by December 15th. More details will be available to candidates who have sent in their notice of intent to run, but nominations may also be taken from the floor at the annual meeting.

Interested in running? Contact Liz Fenster via email at WalnutGroveMadison@gmail.com or via phone at 609-440-5673. Have questions about the WGHA Board? Feel free to contact any current Board Member.

If you or someone you know did not receive this information via email, send Liz Fenster your email address at WalnutGroveMadison@gmail.com to sign up for emails.