Dues notices are being sent out the first week of February. As a member of the Walnut Grove Community, a general annual fee is assessed to all single family and duplex & condo lots in the Walnut Grove neighborhood. The fees are used to defray the costs of maintaining propertyRead More →

Due to unanticipated health issues affecting members of our planning committee, we have decided to cancel the Fall Crawl, previously scheduled for September 21. We hope to offer a social event later this year, and will provide details in future communications.Read More →

Volunteer to Plant a Rain Garden June 5th, 6th and 8th What: Help Plant a Rain Garden on Greenway C When: Wednesday and Thursday June 5 & 6 from 4-7pm. Saturday June 8th 9:30-11:30am (Join for any portion) Where: Stonecrest entry on Greenway D to Oxwood pathway area on Greenway C Who: You! Family-friendly. EmailRead More →

Hop into spring by joining us for the Walnut Grove Easter Egg Hunt! On Saturday, April 13th we will gather at the entrance to Greenway C on Farmington Way near Westfield Road (postponed from March 23rd due to snowfall). Children through age 10 will have the opportunity to find eggsRead More →