We invite you to participate in the final 2022 Volunteer Greenway Workday Saturday, September 10th at 9:30 am. Last year the September workday was a family inclusive effort and produced many positive comments about a pleasurable morning spent with neighbors. Cold drinks will be provided.
Location: meet at the intersection of Stonewood and Harwood Circle North pathway.
Please bring any of the following: shovel, spring-rake, broom or blower, garden gloves, planting trowel, knee pad, paper leaf disposal bag, insect repellent.
Activity: the goal is removal of sapling trees within 3′ of paved walkway, buckthorn removal from specified areas (targets will be marked), transplanting desirable natives to areas that are cleared of buckthorn, and hauling out any brush for city pick up during the following week.
Contact: Hayden McCann at greenways@walnutgrovemadison.org for more information.