Greenway Repairs: Beginning July 15th

In order to maintain our greenways and paths, a resealing project is underway.

Here’s what’s happening:
Edging work will be done on all greenways beginning on Monday, July 15th (weather dependent). Sealing of the paths is planned to begin on July 17th. This will affect all four greenways, except for a portion of Greenway D.
You may see minor damage, such as tire tracks, due to current wetter weather conditions. 

Here’s how it affects you
The edging work will clear 1-3 feet of growth from the sides of the path. If you have any plants within 3 feet of the greenway paths that you would like to keep, please dig them up prior to July 15th. Also, move any decorative rocks you may have placed within 3 feet of the pathway. 

Any questions or concerns? Please contact Davie, our WGHA Greenways Chair via email or phone 833-5467

Help keep the greenways great! Be on the lookout for some upcoming volunteer work days in August. Contact Hayden McCann via email for details