In lieu of the annual Independence Day Bicycle Parade, the WGHA is sponsoring a Parade of Art! Kids (and adults) can display their creativity and artistic talents by decorating their driveways with chalk art for the whole neighborhood to enjoy.
To join in, visit Lynn and Charlie Morgan’s home, 10 Colony Circle, on Thursday, July 2nd between 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm to sign up. We have 24 free packs of washable sidewalk chalk available on a first-come, first serve basis. Have fun and complete your work by July 4th so that all Walnut Grove neighbors can walk by participating homes to view the art over the 4th of July weekend. Send a photo of your artwork to and we will feature it on our website!
A recommended art tour path includes these participants “galleries.” More images to come!
Cochran & McComb on Winterset Circle
Aniabas on Farmington Court
Wright on Greenhaven Circle
Bashirullah on Foxboro Circle
Callahan on Oldfield Road
Schutten on Harwood Circle South
Chambers on Harwood Circle North
Hawkins, Fenster and Gamez on Southwick Circle
Bell & Neighbors on Rye Circle (checkout the obstacle course!)
AND neighbors on Whitacre Road and Walnut Grove Drive!