2021 Dues

Dues notices have been sent out. As a member of the Walnut Grove Community, a general annual fee is assessed to all single family and duplex & condo lots in the Walnut Grove neighborhood. The fees are used to defray the costs of maintaining property deeded to WGHA – the Greenways.  Fees are also used for water, electricity, social, and other various expenses of the neighborhood. Dues are generally due by the end of March, but given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the board has extended the due date without late fee to May 1st. 

This has been an exciting year for WGHA. The board took steps to update our covenants and in December that amendment was approved by the neighborhood.

Please note that at this year’s annual meeting the neighborhood voted to raise dues to $150 for homes and $75 for condos. As part of this, the neighborhood approved the creation of a legacy fund to be used for future Greenway and Circle maintenance and improvements. For more detail on this, the minutes for the annual meeting can be found here.

To pay by check, please mail your payment of $150 or $75 to:


P.O. Box 620251 

Middleton, WI 53562

Please include your lot number on your check so that we can update your account properly.

To pay via paypal, visit PayPal.Me/walnutgrovehomes, enter the correct payment (either $152.50 or $77.50), and include your address and lot number in the notes field. Please note that this includes the $2.50 convenience fee that WGHA is charged for credit card processing.

Please contact the WGHA Treasurer at treasurer@walnutgrovemadison.org or the WGHA President at president@walnutgrovemadison.org with any questions regarding past due amounts.    

Thank you to all of our members for your support maintaining our beautiful Walnut Grove Neighborhood!