Community Meeting Jan. 18th at 6pm

A public meeting has just been scheduled for this Monday, January 18th, at 6pm regarding the new liquor license application for a proposed Hy-Vee Wine & Spirits on Mineral Point Road.

Please see below from Captain Timothy Patton of the Madison Police Department:

Please join us Monday evening at 6:00 pm via Zoom to learn more about the Hy-Vee Wine and Spirits store planned for 7475 Mineral Point Rd. Hy-Vee Store Director Ross Grunwald will be on hand to share details of the plan, answer questions and receive neighborhood input. Information regarding the new liquor application and store can be found at the link below. The application will go before the January 20, 2021 ALRC and February 2, 2021 Common Council.|Text|&Search=63492

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Meeting ID: 977 6902 6832
Passcode: 747446
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