Survey Results + Next Steps

Thank you to everyone who took part in the recent WGHA Dues Survey!


The survey closed on July 7th. We received responses from approx 60% of lots in the neighborhood (68% of lots who received a digital copy, 6% of lots who received a paper copy). Many thanks to Polet Consulting, who compiled these WGHA Dues Survey Results.  

  • 91% of lots who responded to the survey indicate that an indexed cap is one of their top two options. 
  • The simple vote option was the clear second choice with 72% of lots choosing it as one of their top two options.
  • A hard cap was the least preferred option. 63% of lots marked the hard cap as the least preferred choice. 


Based on the survey results and feedback received through the May Covenant Info Sessions, survey comments, and individual emails and conversations, the Covenants & Bylaws Subcommittee and WGHA Board has modified the Draft Amendment to the Covenants.  In the assessments section, you will see that we plan to move forward with the Indexed Cap option for dues with a $150 cap for 2021, based on it being the clear majority choice. Please use Guide to the Amendment to walk through the proposed amendment. 

As a reminder, our key goals of the Covenant Amendment, as originally proposed at our January 2020 Annual Meeting, are:

  • Adjust the dues cap to keep the neighborhood financially stable ($150 indexed cap based on survey majority)
  • Promote transparency by requiring budget information be shared prior to the annual meeting
  • Modernize to clearly allow for digital communication
  • Unite all 8 additions of Walnut Grove with one clear, consistent update

We are NOT changing anything that we believe are foundational components of the Walnut Grove neighborhood or making anything more restrictive than the original covenants. Based on feedback and previous surveys, we are NOT planning to change any rules relating to hot topics, including fences + number of pets. In areas of no change, the Original Covenants still apply.

As part of this process, we are also undertaking a By-Laws Amendment (Draft). This amendment also shares the goals of modernization of communication, along with continuity of record keeping, rules and regulations. The By-Laws amendment will be reviewed for final approval and implementation at the August 18, 2020 Board Meeting.


Our next step is to move forward with legal counsel. Once the legal documents are complete, we will be asking for your vote either in person or via a web-based solution. More details to come within the next few weeks. 


We heard loud and clear that many folks in the neighborhood wish for additional transparency into financials- and we agree! 
Please see this 10-Year Budget History including projections for 2025 and 2035. 

If you have any additional input to share, please email your feedback to 


WGHA Dues Survey Results
Draft Amendment to the Covenants
Guide to the Amendment
By-Laws Amendment (Draft)
10-Year Budget History