SwimWest is excited to announce it will be hosting its 22nd Annual Safety Day on May 5th, 2018, at the Madison West location located at 1001 Deming Way. Safety stations will be run from 12:30pm-2:00pm, along with fun activities sponsored by local partners:
- I9 sports
- Badger Gymnastics
- Infinity Martial Arts
- Musical Pathways Foundation
- Middleton Fire Department
Open Swim will be from 2:00pm-3:30pm. This event is free and open to the public. Any questions call SwimWest at (608) 831-6829.
**Please bring an item to donate to Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS), which offers a wide array of crisis services for victims of domestic violence in Dane County. Visit their website to view their wish list: https://abuseintervention.org/daiswishlist/ ** SwimWest aspires to achieve zero drownings in Wisconsin. SwimWest hosts Safety Day every year with safety stations emphasizing safe practices in and around the water.
Did SwimWest pay the Walnut Grove Homes Association to run this ad on its blog? I thought this site was for communications about items directly affecting Walnut Grove Home Owners only, not to subject us to advertising. Kindly reply with the relationship between SwimWest and WGHA. Thank you.
Hi Jen- thanks for asking. We like to promote community events on the Walnut Grove blog if we think families in the neighborhood will find them useful. We have previously posted about events hosted by MSCR. Since this annual safety day is a free event open to the public focused on water safety, we thought members of the neighborhood may be interested in attending. The WGHA has no affiliation with SwimWest. We absolutely value your feedback. If you have concerns with us posting community events on the blog, please feel free to email walnutgrovemadison@gmail.com and/or attend an upcoming board meeting for discussion. We want this site to be as useful as possible to the neighborhood!