Hello Walnut Grove Homeowners! Did you know you can attend the WGHA monthly board meetings? Have a question or a concern? We are here to help.  If anyone is interested, meetings on the second Wednesday of every month. Starts at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested, please leave a postRead More →

Why Wisconsin is the Badger State The badger (Taxidea taxus) was designated the official state animal of Wisconsin in 1957. Wisconsin’s nickname is “The Badger State” because miners dug tunnels into hillsides searching for lead in the 1800’s, reminding people of badgers. Found throughout Wisconsin, badgers are short, stocky, solitaryRead More →

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) has been working diligently. They are reviewing Walnut Grove ACC covenants and seeking input on updating them to accommodate current residents, city ordinances and needs of the community while maintaining the focus of our original by-laws. The committee has sent out two surveys. Several ofRead More →

Did you know that Madison was not always the Capital of Wisconsin? In Wisconsin’s territorial days, Belmont was the original capital and was home to the first Capitol building. It was 1836 in Belmont where the territorial legislature established the framework of what would become the state of Wisconsin justRead More →