News in a Nutshell: Fall Edition

The Fall Newsletter is here

While we hope you will enjoy all the information provided in the newsletter, we wanted to highlight some key happenings:

  • Saturday, October 15th is our Fall Tailgate Potluck at the Walnut Grove Park. The picnic begins at noon. A guided greenway tour will begin at 11am (meeting at Greenway C at Farmington Way). Please RSVP to Charlie Morgan at by Oct 11th.
  • Call for Members to Stand for Election. This newsletter and email serves as the official Request for Members to Stand for Election as new or re-elected Directors to the Board. Four seats are up for election at our 2023 Annual Meeting. Please contact any board member with questions. To officially put your name on the ballot, please send an email to More information can be found under section 4.9(a) of the WGHA’s By-laws found on our website.
  • Wednesday, January 25this our 2023 Annual Meeting. This will take place via Zoom at 7pm. More information, such as members standing for election and a proposed 2023 budget, will be provided as we get closer to the meeting date.