Today, March 1st, at 5:30pm there will be a Zoom-based Community Q & A Session regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments related to allowing greater residential densities and adjusting conditional use thresholds, Legistar #63902.  There will be a video presentation to provide an overview, and Planning Division Director Heather Stouder and ZoningRead More →

Dues notices have been sent out. As a member of the Walnut Grove Community, a general annual fee is assessed to all single family and duplex & condo lots in the Walnut Grove neighborhood. The fees are used to defray the costs of maintaining property deeded to WGHA – theRead More →

Tamarack Trails has graciously invited Walnut Grove to attend a District 9 Alder Candidate Forum Wednesday, February 3rd at 5pm via Zoom. All four candidates will be participating and questions will focus on issues that pertain specially to our area neighborhoods. If you have any specific concerns you’d like addressed,Read More →

It’s been just over a year since the Board began its review of our current covenants, and we are pleased to announce that we’ve overwhelmingly passed the 2020 amendment to the covenants! 233 households have signed on so far to approve the new amendment to the covenants, and we have overRead More →

After a year long process including research, neighborhood information sessions and input survey, and a legal review, it is finally time to sign the Amendment to the Covenants!   Our key goals of the Covenants Amendment, as originally proposed at our January 2020 Annual Meeting, are: Adjust the dues cap toRead More →

Save the date for the 2021 WGHA Annual Meeting Tuesday, January 26th, at 6:30 p.m. This year, our Annual Meeting will be held via Zoom to ensure that all neighbors are able to participate while staying safe. More specific meeting details will be distributed in January including the registration link,Read More →